Rules and Issues


These are definitions of rules or checks against your Blender file. Any violations will be listed as issues.

class blint.model.lint_rule.LintRule(*args, **kwargs)

Model class for BLint rule properties. Used for displaying within a UI list. BLint rules are violations that may be seen in the Blender file that can be fixed.

enabled: bpy.props.BoolProperty(name='Enabled', default=True)

If rule is enabled by default.

description: bpy.props.StringProperty(name='Description', default='')

Describes the issue based on its rule.

severity_icon: bpy.props.EnumProperty(name='Severity', default='INFO', items=get_severity_enum())

Name of Blender icon to represent severity.

category_icon: bpy.props.EnumProperty(name='Category', default='SCENE_DATA', items=get_icon_enum())

Name of Blender icon to represent the category of the issue’s rule (meshes, animation, etc.).

iterable_expr: bpy.props.StringProperty(name='Data iteration type', description='Python expression representing Blender data containing elements with potential issues', default='')

String of Python code that evaluates to a list of properties. Optional.

If provided, multiple issues can be found from one rule.

iterable_var: bpy.props.StringProperty(name='Variable', description='Variable name to reference data iteration element', default='my_scene')

Required if iterable_expr is defined.

If provided, any instance of iterable_var in issue_expr, fix_expr or prop_label_expr will be replaced with the value of iterable_expr.

issue_expr: bpy.props.StringProperty(name='Issue', description='Python expression that returns true if issue exists (can reference data iteration variable)', default='')

Optional. Python statement(s) that fix(es) the issue.

A rule should only have a fix that will always work (no errors), is always what the user would want, and will remove the issue from the panel.

fix_expr: bpy.props.StringProperty(name='Fix', description='Statement(s) to fix the issue (can reference data iteration variable)', default='')

String representation of Python code that will fix the issue.

prop_label_expr: bpy.props.StringProperty(name='Issue identifier', description='Python expression to further identify issuein its description (can reference data iteration variable)', default='')

Python expression that evaluates to an identifying label used with the issue description in the UI.


Validates LintRule properties.

Returns a list of errors to fix to make the LintRule valid.

Return type:



Copies self’s properties to another rule, and returns the other rule.


other_rule (LintRule) – target rule to have properties applied and then returned.

Return type:



Generates a list of data items that violate the LintRule.

Returns Python code to represent a Python list of LintIssue items.

Return type:



Generates and returns a Python statement to fix a LintIssue instance of a rule.


idx (int) – element index within the issue list.

Return type:



Generates and returns a Python statement to fix a LintIssue instance of a rule.


idx (int) – element index within the issue list.

Return type:



Evaluates get_list_str() and returns a list to iterate for displaying and fixing issues.

Return type:



Returns True if any issues exist that violate the rule, False otherwise.

Return type:



Retrieves a string-based data property that contains the rule violation.

Return type:



Draws rule in a panel.


Generates and returns a list of issues that violate rules.

Return type:



These are instances of rule violations in your Blender file.

Model class for BLint issue property groups. Issues are instances of rule violations seen in the Blender file.

class blint.model.lint_issue.LintIssue(*args, **kwargs)

Model class for BLint issue properties. Used for displaying within a UI list.

BLint issues are instances of LintRule violations seen in the Blender file.

description: StringProperty

Describes the issue based on its rule.

severity_icon: EnumProperty

Name of Blender icon to represent severity.

category_icon: EnumProperty

Name of Blender icon to represent the category of the issue’s rule (meshes, animation, etc.).

fix_expr: StringProperty

String representation of Python code that will fix the issue.

rule_file: StringProperty

Path to rule file containing fix.


Draws the issue in a panel.


Utility function generating a sort value for an issue based on its rule’s severity.


issue (LintIssue) – LintIssue property

Return type:
